
Arduino – Create UF2 Boot File for Adafruit Feather M4

…Express or any other SAMD51 (M4) or SAMD21 (M0) board that has Adafruit UF2 Bootloader installed. Noob level! Fast-Track Here’s the fast-track reminder for an M4, if you already have everything installed: Background There are some instructions on how to do this. Adafruit, for example, has this page UF2 Bootloader Details with a lot of […]

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Arduino FastLED Library – a visual reference for the predefined colors

The FastLED Library for Arduino and other microcontrollers is used for controlling LED-strips with one to hundreds of individually addressable RGB LEDs. Here is a visual reference to the colors that are pre-defined within FastLED. In C++ they can be accessed by name, like this: The colors in this list appear in the same order […]

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Avrdude – Burn fuses (16 MHz clock out on CLK0 / B0)

Reason Fuses. There are a couple of user selectable operation modes of the AVR microcontrollers. The fuses can’t be edited in the same way you normally program you Arduino. You will need a hardware AVR programmer, ie the one described here: Arduino as ISP. There are a few GUI softwares that are supposed to do this, but I couldn’t get any of […]

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Avrdude – Upload hex file to Arduino using ISP / ICSP

Reason In some cases USB cannot be used to program (upload hex file to) a processor on an Arduino board. One such case is when you are targeting the second processor on an Arduino Uno, the ATMega16u2 whose sole purpose is to cater for USB communication. Please note: Only the original style Arduino Uno R3 boards […]

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