
Arduino – Create UF2 Boot File for Adafruit Feather M4

…Express or any other SAMD51 (M4) or SAMD21 (M0) board that has Adafruit UF2 Bootloader installed. Noob level! Fast-Track Here’s the fast-track reminder for an M4, if you already have everything installed: Background There are some instructions on how to do this. Adafruit, for example, has this page UF2 Bootloader Details with a lot of […]

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Synth Tuning

Korg Mono/Poly Oscillator Tuning

Background Tuning instructions in the service manual are actually just fine. These are marginally easier to follow. What you need Preparations Step by Step Step 1 – Key Assigner (KLM-256) CV Connect the positive lead of your DVM (using a hook clip) to the right side of R8. Connect the DVM ground to GND at […]

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Synth Tuning

Teisco Synthesizer 110F Oscillator Tuning, Using a Tuner & DVM

Background There are no tuning instructions in the service manual. The trimmers have unusual names, so it’s not obvious what do when opening it up. Here you go: What you need Preparations Step by Step Step 1 – Keyboard CV Connect the positive lead of your DVM (using a hook clip) somewhere on the grey […]

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Synth Tuning

Multimoog Simplified Oscillator Tuning

When using a hardware tuner, you can ditch the unintuitive tuning instructions in the service manual. In my case that is a Peterson Strobostomp, but any tuner you trust can be used. Software, Apps, computers: Sometimes software tuners have trouble displaying very low, as well as high, frequencies. Often they are more sensitive to overtones, […]

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Synth Tuning

Prophet-5 Rev 2 (Sequential Circuits, ca 1977) Tuning

The two tuning procedures (Production and Simplified methods) provided by Sequential Circuits in the Rev 2 service manual are complex, easily misinterpreted, and abstract – if you don’t have an intuitive sense of what you are doing, it’s hard to tell when you are not doing something right. It’s easy to miss a step or […]

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Synth Tuning

Korg PolySix Tuning – The Long Story

The tuning of a Korg PolySix is mostly a tedious process. Let’s go in-depth to make it even worse. The tuning process described here is normally not necessary, but if you have replaced some components on the Voice PCB this might be your last resort. Sources of information The PolySix Service Manual. There is some […]

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Arduino FastLED Library – a visual reference for the predefined colors

The FastLED Library for Arduino and other microcontrollers is used for controlling LED-strips with one to hundreds of individually addressable RGB LEDs. Here is a visual reference to the colors that are pre-defined within FastLED. In C++ they can be accessed by name, like this: The colors in this list appear in the same order […]

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Synth Repair

Ursa Major Space Station SST-282, 82S123 replacement

How to make a replacement for the 82S123 ROM chip (ADS-1 board – U19) in Ursa Major Space Station SST-282, using an 22v10 Programmable Logic chip and a cheap EPROM programmer. I used Atmel ATF22v10CQZ-20PU and the common TL866iiPlus. This is not a step-by-step guide, you are expected to know how to use an EPROM […]

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Synth Repair

The differences between Roland Juno-106 and MKS-7

This page compares the Roland MKS-7 to the Roland Juno-106. To understand it, you need to know the Juno-106. Some people say the MKS-7 is the rack version of Juno-106. But it’s more… and less. The Roland MKS-7 was allegedly intended for MIDI-file playback and karaoke, thus being a consumer market product. The voicing hardware […]

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Synth Repair

Arp Sequencer 1621 / 1601 Button Debounce

While servicing an Arp Sequencer 1621, I noticed that the three button switches were in a bad shape. One button press would produce anything from one to six signal changes. These switches can’t be sourced nowadays. The switches are glued together from factory so they can’t be opened. One possible fix would be to fit […]

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Synth Tuning

Korg Lambda ES-50 Tuning Instructions

Disclaimer: There may be a better way to tune the Korg Lambda. My method is a bit “hit and miss”. Still it took less than five minutes to accomplish. Background The Lambda is not a VCO->Filter->VCA synthesizer, it’s constructed lika an organ / string machine. The tuning procedure is different and often simpler on an […]

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Synth Repair

Korg Poly-61 – Changing the NiCd to a Litium Battery

It was pointed out to me that there is already a modification devised by Korg for this purpose. While my modification works, you should probably stick to Korg’s original Engineering Change Note, even though it’s a bit more complex. The Korg Poly-61 has the same type of battery as the Korg Polysix, the type that […]

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Synth Tuning

PPG 1020 Tuning Instructions

Disclaimer: I have no idea. Maybe this can be done better. But here’s my best shot. Background There is not much technical information around about this very rare synth. In order to figure out how to tune it, I had to remove the front plate which is a lot of work. This article is an […]

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Synth Repair

Roland TR-505 – A Better Mod for Individual Outputs

Descriptions of Individual Audio Outputs modifications for the Roland TR-505 have been around for a while. I searched the web for sources that describe how to do the mod: There are many sources talking about having it done, without explaining how: The problem However, the modifications that are described share one […]

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Synth Repair

Roland CR-8000 BD / SD Mod

This drum machine from 1981 is a close relative of Roland CR-78 and TR-808. It has a couple shortcomings, such as no user editable sounds, a Snare Drum with a lot of tone (what is called “Snappy” on 808) but a lack of noise / high frequency content. It sounds more like a tom. Also […]

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Toaster with web server

Arduino files download: Sonoff_toaster_timer First install ESP8266 support for Arduino IDE. Follow these instructions: Reprogram Sonoff Smart Switch with Web Server. I didn’t use this in the end, but learned the basics: ESP8266 ajax – update part of web page without refreshing. The main source for my toaster’s html page: ESP8266 Timer […]

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Synth Repair

Doepfer MCV4 Mod for Roland SH5

It seems Doepfer cut some corners when designing the MCV4 MIDI to CV interface. Firstly the MCV4’s gate voltage is to low to drive the Roland SH5 gate input. This can be remedied by opening up the interface to move a jumper, and then replacing the 9v power supply with a 12 volt one. After that the […]

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